
Monday, October 17, 2011

Better late than never - GBBD!

 Two days late, two dollars short?

I did take pictures on Oct. 15 of things blooming in my yard for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day (hosted by May Dreams Gardens), but did not get them posted that day.

But, better late than never, here they are. Thanks to near 3" of rain a week and a half ago and more moderate temperatures, some of my garden residents have begun blooming. This is the most things I've seen blooming at once in four months or so. Hurrah!

Flame acanthus (Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii)
Copper rain lily. I bought
one of these, but this
is an offspring. Yay!

Autumn sage (Salvia greggii)

Pink and cream lantana
(Lantana camara?)
Trailing lantana, white variety (Lantana montevidensis)

Fall aster (Symphotrichum oblongifolium) is blooming a little,
much to my surprise. It suffered this summer.
Pigeonberry (Rivina
)  - one survived
and one did not.

I thought this purple oxalis died
earlier this summer,
but it was hybernating
until cooler weather!
These tropical sages (Salvia coccinea)
were pesky in my garden, and I've pulled
them all. Now they volunteer in
unmanaged areas. When it rains they
perk up; when it doesn't, they die back. 


  1. Ooo - Copper Rain Lily; unfamiliar with that one - gonna have to keep an eye out for it. And good old fashion Lantana with its pink and yellow blooms - always one of my favorites. Happy GBBD!

  2. Looking great! Love your flame acanthus. And the white trailing lantana has done soooo much better for me than the pink and yellow kind. In fact, my pink and yellow lantana has had mildew for the last couple of years. Can you imagine mildew in this drought??? Yours looks great - must be a different cultivar. Your purple oxalis looks so sweet, and your asters look very happy. Happy GBBD!

  3. Yay for the rain...and I think we've all had those months where we just can't quite make it happen in time for GBBD...I know I have!

  4. @RB - it's very pretty! I don't remember where I found it. That lantana is about to be replaced by a fire bush, but it is redeeming itself with a late season bloom.

    @HG - Thanks! The lantana froze so severely that it did not leaf out until nearly July, and is just a foot and a half tall. We may just be drier here overall, as I don't remember having mildew on that.

    @Scott - You're kind, but I believe I am always tardy with my report!

  5. I love our Fall Aster. I can't believe they always come back, year after year after year after year... etc.
