
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hope springs eternal.

The weather has been nice on the hill, and when that happens, a gardener’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of new gardens (apologies to Alfred, Lord Tennyson). Several projects are on my list of 2012 objectives. The plan is to publish this list and thereby apply pressure to achieve said objectives.

The parking area is behind me, and the path goes up the right side.
For me, creating new gardens is much more exciting than maintaining old ones. This does not bode well for the condition of my existing flowerbeds, but it’s fact. Right now I am afire with enthusiasm for a new, ambitious undertaking.

I am working on the bones for a rock garden in front of the house. Visitors will pass through this garden on an existing stone path. I’m convinced the bed will take my yard and garden to a new level of sophistication and interest. (This type of thinking undoubtedly signals disaster)

Rock moved carefully by my son, with rain lilies
sprouting from dirt in the crevice.

Currently, I am in the rock selecting, digging, hauling and arranging phase. I roped my oldest son into moving two large rocks; the rest will be smaller. One day, when standing back to gain perspective, I saw that this garden could be expanded into a larger area that would tie in with existing landscaping. This will be so cool! (Cue “uh-ohs” from the audience.)

Even if it doesn’t turn out quite like I envision, I am having great fun working on it.

It will be pretty, it will!
Objective number two is halfway done. Last fall my husband and I laid rock framework for a long-planned bed under the living room window. The bed will be raised nearly two feet and will feature Turk’s cap and a vine of some sort. Two years ago I jumped the gun and bought a water container; the pump to make it tinkle sits on a laundry room shelf. The vine will grow on a rusty  structure that prior tenants used for outdoor showers. Now all we need is dirt - lots of dirt.

Objective number three is the easiest by far. My iris bed is looking oh so lovely right now after fall rains. The plan is to add garden soil and build up the rock border. Weeding is required. Also, my neighbor (thanks, Sheri) gave me a variety of iris bulbs awhile back that are lurking in a box on my porch. By awhile back, I mean several years. My daughter laughed at me when I mentioned these relics. They are most likely dead, but you just never know.

Fourth objective calls for transplanting blue mistflower seedlings to a completed bed that remains barren after seeds failed to sprout in the drought.

All of this is proposed with the understanding that I cannot water at all, as the drought is expected to last through the spring and our well is showing signs of stress.

Ah, hope springs eternal.


  1. I like your new projects.

    I have indoor projects going on. I really need to be outside working, in the glorious weather.

    Oh well...the weeds will still be there when I get around to them.

    Can't wait to see how yours turn out.

    Love those rocks.

    1. Thanks Linda! Really I'm thinking about the projects more than actually working on them . . .

  2. Can't wait to see a photo of butterflies on the Turk's cap as viewed from the living room!

  3. thanks for leaving a comment on my favorite images of 011. It looks like you have your hands full this winter. g.

    1. Maybe a little ambitious? Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I love to start new projects, too! I hope you get all your projects done, and that the drought doesn't cause dismay. That is worrisome that your well is showing signs of stress.

    1. Thanks, HG. In the long run, things will be fine.

  5. Objection, Mother Dearest. I did not laugh,I giggled. I am not understood sometimes.
