
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pretty, pretty.

I don't have a lot of these morning glories blooming now;
but the ones that are - are striking!

Well, it's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day again, and boy, do things look better around here than last year. In fact, I am a day late posting because we got an inch of rain yesterday - hurrah!

It has been a tremendous year in my area for Indian blankets (Gaillardia pulchella). I would show you a lovely picture, only they don't grow on our place! We have a few this year that popped up from seeds thrown a year and a half ago. Maybe they will spread seeds, and their offspring will be ready the next time perfect conditions arise.

Texas thistle (Cirsium texanum) taking over the septic drain field
Horsemint (Monarda citriodora),
also on the drain field.

Even without the gaillardias, the wildflowers are lovely here. As is usually the case, the flowers are best over the septic tank, with thistles, horsemint and Mexican hat taking center stage. I mowed out there a couple of months ago - but you would never know it. With the rain, however, we have things blooming in other places, too!

Mexican hat (Ratibida columnifera)
does well here.
Lady Bird's centaury (Centaurium 
texense) named for our beloved
Lady Bird Johnson.

Blackfoot daisies (Melampodium leucanthum)
are still blooming!

Dahlburg daisies (Thymophylla 
tenuiloba) are not native here,
but have naturalized in my yard.

Day flower (Commelina erecta) with rain lilies (Cooperia sp.),
naturally occurring in a flowerbed.

I hope you've enjoyed my blooms! Now head over to May Dreams Gardens to see what is happening in other gardens this month.


  1. I love that dayflower- rain lily photo. What a nice study with the grey and green foliage setting it all off!

    1. I like it, too! It's an ephemeral combination: the rain lilies bloom for just a few days, and the dayflowers close up as the day advances . . .

  2. We have a lot of the thistle and the Mexican Hats. Not much else. The verbena were good for a while.
    There are few other different kinds here. I'm thinking the deer are the reason for that. I wish we had the Indian Blankets. They're so pretty.
    Great bloomday.

    1. The Indian blankets have been beautiful this year! The verbenas will re-bloom, won't they? Darn deer . . .

  3. I do love your blooms. Especially the Mexican hat and the blackfoot dailies. The day flower drives me crazy. I try to keep it out of my garden, but it's impossible. I've been thinking that perhaps I should just let it go. It is, after all, a pretty blue.

    1. The dayflower does not take over here, so I'm happy to have its lovely blooms popping up here and there!
