
Monday, December 31, 2012

Rounding up the year - garden projects completed.

Can't wait to see if cleaning and amending
the iris bed pays off with spring blooms!

It is gray, foggy and drizzly outside, and a cool 58 degrees: perfect weather for reflecting on garden accomplishments of the past year. 

Nearly a year ago, I posted about my garden plans for the year 2012. Four projects were on my list, some in varying states of completion.

You know how these New Year’s Resolution lists are. Generally they end up making one feeling inadequate, lazy or incompetent. Take your pick.

I blogged about the completion of this project in September, You just can't rush these things.
I am pleased to post, however, that I actually completed every project on my list.

This is probably the first time in my entire life that a New Year’s Resolution list has been fulfilled completely. If I had known this would be such a successful list, I could have added additional, important items to it:  GET A JOB  (oops, sorry, did not mean to shout that), finish a cross-stitch project (underway since at least 2010), write a novel.

Completed rock garden out front;
apparently I never blogged about this!

More of the rock garden, which extends
across the front yard and parking area.

Bed populated with blue mistflower. If you are familiar with this plant,
you know that it will fill in the bare spaces very quickly!

Perhaps it is best to keep the list small and manageable.

I hope you were equally productive with your projects. Even if you weren’t, I hope you had a wonderful time dreaming about your projects and spending time in your garden. After all, that is the most rewarding part of gardening, is it not?


  1. Congratulations on getting your list completed! Impressive! I have put some things on my list this year (I usually just skip doing a list altogether). We'll see how that works out! Happy 2013!

    1. I may take a break and not make a list for this year. Afraid I will not be able to replicate this year's success!

  2. yea! I am still in shock that you got all of those gardening projects completed-without too many painful screams of frustration-good job mom!!!!!

  3. Congrats on completing so many garden projects! I love making to-do lists, even if I don't cross everything off. It's still a good impetus for getting something done. Even better? Hosting a big party. That'll get projects moving along!

    1. You are so right about a party! Hmm, maybe I should start planning a spring garden party . . .
