
Sunday, September 22, 2013

First day of fall - let's plant!

Fall may be approaching.
This cactus had no label. It's actually
about 12 inches tall - looks huge here!

Don't get too excited. Don't put away the shorts and sandals just yet.

Last night we slept with windows open for the first time in three months. It was lovely.

Today, with birthday money in my pocket, my daughter and I stopped at our local nursery. I found a cool columnar cactus and a beautiful Buddleja or butterfly bush. She found the strangest little plant called a stone plant. She told her Dad later it looked like a troll's toe. It does.

This afternoon I spent time in my garden, doing some fall planting. I know that fall is the best time for planting in Central Texas. Unfortunately, I don't always do what is best. This extends to more than gardening. Hence the Friday night chocolate binges followed by Saturday morning migraines.

But I had new plants! And it was beautiful outside! So I planted.

I also piled up some topsoil in a mound and planted a desert willow given to me by my mother-in-law a few weeks back. It looks saddened by its sojourn in its pot, but I hope that it will perk up now that it has been permanently placed. I'm not showing you a picture of that - that's a blogger's privilege. We only have to show you what makes us look good.

This Buddleja did have an i.d. It was on the pot, which I promptly threw away.
Guess I'd better dig that out of the bin.

On another note, perhaps you have noticed it's been a long time since my last post. In July, I picked up a contract job that took a bit of time. A broken camera proved to be another obstacle to posting. I took the pictures here with my phone; the quality is, well, not good.

About a month ago, I started work full time with Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. I am working on web content for the state parks division, and I'm tickled pink.

Blogging will have to take a back seat to the paying job, but I will try to post occasionally.

Happy first day of fall!


  1. Congrats on the new job! I look forward to your posts as you find time for them.

  2. I agree with Pam....congrats on the new job, and blog when you can.

    1. Thanks, Linda! I need to find time to check in on fellow bloggers, also!

  3. Cool job...maybe you can integrate your work and blogging some, one feeding the other, so to speak? The cool is invigorating, and it has me motivated to do my containers on my patio!

    (but be careful planting cacti in fall, not all like what's to come or fall planting!)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm not that knowledgeable about cacti, so we shall see what happens. We are in the midst of a drought, so who knows?

  4. Congratulations on your new job - and especially in being tickled pink to have it! (I've had jobs that I dreaded going to every morning - that's not a good thing.) The weather here lately has been wonderful. Perfect for gardening, and in Texas, we don't get too many perfect days! I laughed at you spending your birthday money on plants - typical gardener! ;) Happy belated birthday!

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