
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh my, it's a bit chilly.

Outside . . . 

The cold front hit at 3 a.m. like a big frozen fist battering our house. My husband and I jolted out of a sound sleep as wind whistled through the eves, trees thrashed about, screens and vent covers rattled, and our driveway sensor went off (as it will in a strong wind).

After the sensor went off a second time, I dragged myself out of bed to unplug it. Glancing out our window, I saw a car dome light glowing; my daughter had retrieved a book earlier and hadn’t quite latched the door.

I went out in my robe and slippers to shut the door and experience the early moments of the front. I will report that the night is rather spooky when the wind shrieks through treetops.  Thankfully, no one saw me scurrying like a scared bunny back to the safety of my house.

. . . and inside. Life is better inside, today!
One of my neighbors said she and her husband awakened to a hurricane of chickens. Their chickens sleep in the trees, and the wind rousted them out of their roosts. I wish I could have seen and heard that hullabaloo!

Sunday and Monday were beautiful Texas spring days, with highs near 80 degrees F. We stayed outside as much as possible. But today is a different animal. When I got up at 6 a.m., it was 37 degrees. When I returned from the school run, it was 27 degrees. The temperature is hovering around 31 now in the mid-afternoon sun, and the wind is blowing dogs off chains. Weathermen are predicting low teens for the next several nights, and we even have a chance of snow later this week!

Saddest spot in the garden today:

I just noticed the first casualty of this cold blast: my yellow columbine (Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinkleyana) is draped limply over the edge of its bed. It has soldiered on through previous cold spells this winter, but I guess this one is just too much. I think this is a temporary setback. It lives on the north side of the house; the columbines on the south side are still standing at attention.

Awwwww. Sad.
According to Lady Bird’s site, these columbines are endemic to one site only: Capote Falls in the Sierra Vieja Mountains of Presidio County, Texas. They are quite unique and lovely when in flower.


  1. Sorry to hear about the yellow columbine; so far, mine are only looking tired - but still hanging in there. Though tonight's predicted 13-15 degree low will likely be a punch that knocks it down. Hopefully, it will return from roots.

  2. Thanks - nice to hear from a fellow CTx gardener. Good luck with your garden in the cold.

  3. This 2000 mile long storm front has blanketed so many of us with treacherous weather and high winds. Thanks for visiting my blog and saying Hi. I love your little fire stove and imagine that it's a good place to huddle in weather like this.

    My columbines return every year, even though they spend months frozen and under snow. Hope yours do well too. :-D
