
Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow on the hill!

It was an exciting day at our house: SNOW!

To multiply the joy, my daughter's school cancelled classes. That's good, because I probably would have kept her home and accrued an unexcused absence. A snowy day in Central Texas counts as an educational experience, as far as I'm concerned.

We explored the sights this morning, and wandered through the woods on our trail-in-progress. My daughter remembered the twists and turns of the trail, but I was somewhat discombobulated by the foreign white substance beneath my feet. We spied some animal tracks: deer, maybe rabbit and possibly fox. It was so beautiful, and such a treat for us.

Much of the snow has melted now, as the sunshine has brought the temperature up to 39 degrees F, the warmest it's been since Monday, and the first time it's been over 24 degrees since Tuesday. (Our average temp for this time of year is 62 degrees!)

What a tremendous winter event this has been. We got off relatively easy, though with warmer air we shall see how many broken water pipes there are!

Favorite spot in the garden:

It seems contradictory: snow on century plants (Agave Americana). But there it is, and it's beautiful!


  1. Nice little adventure for you and your daughter. Being from up North, I kinda chuckle at how much snow makes a snow day. Nice photos, poor agave.

  2. We are silly! In our defense, there was ice under the snow - that's what shut us down.

  3. Wow, I am surprised that the agava plant is still alive. Was this the first snow of the year or what..

  4. @ricky: first and probably only snow. We usually see snow once every 3 to 4 years - and this is the second year in a row!

  5. I'm a new visitor. It was interesting for me to read this post.

  6. Cynthia, I am with you.... we shut down everything for snow in North Carolina. It is the same thing here, we get a layer of ice under the snow. I hope you enjoyed your snow day!

  7. @Olga - glad you enjoyed my post, and thanks for reading!
    @life's - we enjoyed our day very much. Can't wait for the next snow day.

  8. I could hardly believe to read here you got snow in Texas, but your wonderful photos prove it's true.
    Will it harm that extraordinary Agave?
    We got about 24 degrees at the moment here, but -4°C is quite normal for this time in the year.
    Thank you for stopping by on my blog, I know the translation by Google is always good for a laugh ;-)
    Liebe Grüße

  9. @ Sisah - the agave seems to be fine! Thanks for visiting from chilly Germany!
