
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

GBBD: A day late and many blooms short.

Lantana montevidensis
As usual, I am posting for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day a day late, and this time it’s many blooms short, too.

Yesterday was very cold and gray, and I chose to stay inside near the woodstove. The lighting was terrible for photography, I told myself.

Today is still cold but quite beautiful and sunny, so I set out in search of blooms. They were sparse. I guess that’s to be expected in the winter, especially in a drought year.

Last week I saw a lone prairie fleabane bloom, but found none today. I’d hoped to see a wood sorrel blooming, but alas, it is too early. The only wildflower even attempting a bloom was a thistle I’ve yet to identify, because it is pesky and I don’t like it. No identification.

White trailing lantana.

The only other blooms were in my garden and on my porch:  trailing lantana. A freeze nipped the white awhile back, but it continued blooming. It is quite striking with its white blooms and blackened leaves. The purple lantana grows in pots by my south-facing front door, where it has been just warm enough to weather the light freezes we’ve received so far.

That’s all I’ve got.

You should visit May Dreams Gardens, host of GBBD, because I’m sure flowers are blooming somewhere in the world, and her site will lead you to them!


  1. Wow! you have lantana blooming?
    Mine has been frozen back, for weeks. Must be this hole we live in here. We've been low 20s the last two mornings. I'm ready for some warmer weather.

    1. Our lowest has been 28 degrees - I'm surprised the lantana survived that! I hear you on the warmer weather.

  2. I'm amazed your lantana is still blooming! Mine are just sticks. Maybe I should take your cue and pot some in a warm spot.

    1. Well, we stay pretty warm on the hill. Places in my neighborhood have been 10 degrees colder on the coldest nights. Geography is strange.
