
Friday, January 18, 2013

My daughter's view of nature

Tree frog found when we were cutting drought-felled trees.
My daughter (age 11) has been roaming the great outdoors with a digital camera in hand over the past several months. She likes getting very close to her subjects, and she's gotten some nice shots. I like that she is outdoors exploring nature up close and personal!

Silver ponyfoot (Dichondra argentea) (above and below)



Ashe juniper berry.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium).

Wood-sorrel (Oxalis drummondii).
Since so many of these are foliage shots, I am linking to Pam at Digging's Foliage Follow-up meme. Foliage is an excellent thing to focus a camera lens on at this time of year, when blooms are few and far between.

We hope you enjoy!


  1. I like that she's willing to get down on her belly for those views. Nice shots, especially that 2nd spiderweb and ponyfoot getting watered. Isn't it fun to see the world through your kid's eyes?

    1. garden helper for On A Hays County HIllJanuary 22, 2013 at 6:41 PM

      its rather fun for the kid to see it through the grown-ups eyes too............ THANK YOUS!!!!!!! i practically live w/ my belly on the ground when i am doing photography!!

  2. Wow...those are great shots, for any age photographer.

    1. garden helper for On A Hays County HIllJanuary 22, 2013 at 6:39 PM

      awwww *blush *blush thank yous so much! it was great fun!

  3. I love the shot of the water coming down! The picture of the wood sorrel with the dark background is stunning, too. Great job!

    1. garden helper for On A Hays County HIllJanuary 22, 2013 at 6:38 PM

      thank you so much!!!! i spent, like, FOREVER trying to get a good picture with the water w/ silver ponyfoot!!

  4. "Well, I started capturing images when I was eleven," she can say, when they interview her later. Nice work.

    1. garden helper for On A Hays County HIllJanuary 22, 2013 at 6:33 PM

      ah why thank you!!!!!!

  5. What great pictures! Not only is your daughter becoming a good photographer, she is also learning about nature in a most delightful way--with her mother. Keep up the good work.
